Angus Clean Environments (ACE)
The Great East Coast Beach Clean
Next Great ECBC 15th - 28 March - 6th April 2025
Working together across Angus and the wider East Coast of Scotland to make a difference
The Great East Coast Beach Clean evolved out of the Great Angus Beach Clean which was held over five years until April 2023. It is held twice a year and often coincides with the Scottish Spring Clean and the Great British Beach Clean in September. The aim of the Great East Coast Beach clean is to encourage people right along the east coast of Scotland to work collaboratively and remove as much litter as possible. Also to identify litter types and to try and prevent it at source where possible. People of all ages and all abilities are encouraged to go out and pick up at least 4 items from the shore. If people are unable to get to a beach then picking up roadside or riverside litter will prevent it from reaching the sea. People are encouraged to Make it Safe and Make if Fun. To take responsibility for managing their own safety as most people do every time they walk out of their front door or enjoy time on a beach. Local groups and organisations host litter share stations to facilitate this approach and people are encouraged to send in photos and let us know what they have collected. In Angus we have an ATV to collect heavy items from the shore between Carnoustie and Arbroath.

Our Story
The first Great Angus Beach Clean, the largest beach clean of it's type ever to take place in Angus took place from 10th - 12th May 2019. It brought together, people of all ages, businesses, schools, organisations and community groups. The event was launched by over 60 children from Ladyloan Primary school in Arbroath who cleaned the section of beach behind the Signal Tower in Arbroath. More than 200 members of the public took part over 3 days leaving bags of marine litter above the high tide mark. This was collected by the new Can-Am Traxter funded by LEADER to enable litter to be collected from remote areas of the coast.
1n 2024 partners along the wider east coast suggested the Great Angus Beach Clean become the Great East Coast Beach Clean so the name was changed to enable wider collaboration and more action to clean our seas and waterways.

Ladyloan Primary School Marine Litter Champions
Community Groups

An All-Terrain-Vehicle to collect heavy items of marine litter between Carnoustie and Arbroath
Make it Safe- Make it Fun.
Take responsibility for your own safety.
We encourage everybody wherever you are to
"Take 4 for the shore"
You can leave your bag above the high tide mark between Carnoustie and Arbroath for the ATV
Ladyloan Primary School.
Marine Species and Litter Champions
Working to encourage fishermen to prevent the loss of fishing gear

Make it Safe - Make it Fun
There are lots of things you can do maintain your safety and that of others whilst litter picking.

Dress for the weather. Wear strong shoes
Use Gloves
Hi-Viz jackets

Use a litter picker especially for sharp or dirty items.
They can be bought quite cheaply. You can also loan one from a local litter hub or join

Take care not to overfill bags. If required leave them near a bin but let the Council know immediately so that people don't think it has been
Bags left near bins encourage other people to fly-tip.
If you are registered with Adopt-A-Street you can obtain some AAS labels.

Take great care on the verges.
Wear hi-viz clothing.
Keep off the road.
Remain vigilant and don't put yourself or other users at risk.
Angus Council clean the A90 and contract BEAR Scotland to clean the A92